On 7th March, 60 children from Norton Junior School in Doncaster visited the Shafton site to learn all about the steel industry during their Science week.

On 7th March, 60 children from Norton Junior School in Doncaster visited the Shafton site to learn all about the steel industry during their Science week.

Lincoln Electrics very kindly offered their services and their learning system, the VRTEX Engage which is designed to introduce students to skilled trades such as arc welding. The children took their turn to have a go at virtual ‘welding’, trying to get the best score possible. As you can imagine, they were very competitive – we even had a high score of 93!
The VRTEX Engage system has a touch screen monitor, welding gun, tracking device and a work surface. It addresses introductory welding lessons, including safety, machine and process selection.